So, cool story about Kenzie. I'm currently in the process of expanding my blog, so I'm going to start taking my own photos of all the models I interview. Kenzie is going to be the first model that I do a shoot with, and I'm really looking forward to it! That being said, this interview was just too good not to post, and I've been sitting on it for almost 2 weeks! Kenzie has a very positive attitude, and I absolutely love her look! You wouldn't believe that she wishes she had a more "edgy" look to her. She lowkey wants to be a badass, but you'll find out more about that in the interview below ;)
Photo by: Christian Garrido
Instagram: @KenzieChizz
Twitter: @KenzieChizz
OTC: What is your name?
MC: Mackenzie (aka Mack) Tayler Chrzanowski
OTC: How old are you?
MC: Just turned 22.
OTC: How tall are you?
MC: 5'10
OTC: How did you get into modeling?
MC: I was living in a tiny town in Florida with my best friend who happens to be a photographer. We wanted to move to LA so he submitted my pictures to a small agency and we moved 2 weeks later.
OTC: If you didn’t model, what would you be doing instead?
MC: Hmmm, probably trying to be a tattoo artist. I’ve always been into art, and when I first moved to Los Angeles I was dead set on learning how to tattoo. (I even bought a machine and everything). But my modeling took off so I just never got to pursue it.
Photo by: Christian Garrido
OTC: What would you change about your personality & look?
MC: Don't get me wrong, I’m all about self love, but if I had to change anything I would probably like to have a more edgy look. I’ve always wanted to die my hair a crazy color or seem like a badass.
OTC: Where are you from originally?
MC: Originally I was born in Washington, and I grew up in the middle of nowhere Idaho. My parents moved my siblings and I to a little town in Florida when I was about 7.
OTC: Do you travel a lot?
MC: I love LA so much that I rarely leave. I do visit home every so often but that’s about the extent of it. I don't even have a passport! I’ve technically left the country once when I went to the Bahamas on a cruise. I’ve been asked to travel for work so in the near future I might be traveling a lot more.
OTC: Where, that you’ve visited, is your favorite country?
MC: I mean The Bahamas was pretty nice haha!
OTC: Where would you love to visit, and what would you do there?
MC: I have always wanted to backpack through Europe. I’ve been obsessed with going to Italy since I was little. Either that or a trip to Thailand.
OTC: What is the one place in the world you wish you lived in?
MC: I wish I lived in France because they have such good healthcare and food!
Photo by: Sheriangeles
OTC: Where is the one place in the world you feel safe?
MC: On the beach. I grew up on an island off the coast of Florida, so if there’s sand and sun, I feel perfectly at peace.
OTC: What is the one thing you want to experience before you die?
MC: I’ve always really wanted to go on Survivor!
OTC: Describe your dream vacation
MC: Giant beach house with all my friends, and just drinking and playing on the beach all day.
OTC: Are you close with your family?
MC: Not as close as I’d like. I haven't really seen my dad for a couple years and the rest of my family lives in Florida. My brother actually lives like 5 min away from me but we don't get along. Funny story though because he's marrying one of my best friends from when I first moved to LA.
OTC: What does “beauty” mean to you?
MC: To me, beauty means attraction. Not just being physically attracted to someone, but having that pull to be near someone because they exude happiness and positivity. I think that happy people are always beautiful.
OTC: What makes you feel sexy?
MC: Boy shorts and oversized t shirts
OTC: Do you read all of your Instagram comments?
MC: I do, but I rarely respond if I don't personally know you.
OTC: Being called “beautiful” or “gorgeous” countless times in one day, does it still hurt reading one mean comment?
MC: As much as I’d like to say that I have thick skin, I'm a big baby at heart. I don't think people always realize that everyone’s feelings can get hurt.
OTC: What’s your opinion on Instagram forcing women to censor their nipples?
MC: I think it’s total bullshit, and I hate it. Nipples are nipples, if they're on a man or on a woman. If you want to make it illegal, at least make it equal.
OTC: Which makeup product couldn’t you live without?
MC: Concealer, I’ve got dark circles for days.
Photo by: Aaron Mays
OTC: If you were stuck on an island, which 5 items would you NEED to have with you?
MC: My kindle, my cats, my mac book to watch Netflix, a hoodie, and a cellphone to call for help haha!
OTC: Who is your favorite model and why?
MC: I love Alexis Ren because she always looks so freaking happy.
OTC: Who is your favorite photographer and why?
MC: I’ve always wanted to shoot with loopphoto aka. Preyen Moodeley. He just makes the women he shoots look so sexy.
OTC: What’s the craziest thing you’ve done on a shoot?
MC: One of the first shoots I've ever had, I was butt naked. In a room of about 20 people including hair and makeup and all that. I was mortified for about the first hour, but after a while, being naked makes you feel a little empowered.
Photo by: Christian Garrido
OTC: What’s your favorite song at the moment?
MC: There’s this remake of Spice girls say you'll be there and I fucking love it. I listen to it in the shower pretty much every day.
OTC: What kind of music do you mostly listen to?
MC: I listen to a lot of early 2000's pop punk, and a lot of hip hop.
OTC: What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
MC: Snooze my alarm 50 times
OTC: What is something you have tried, but will never do again?
MC: Long distance relationship, trust me, it never works out.
OTC: What quirky habit do you have?
MC: I’m a little OCD so I’ll do dumb stuff like turn the volume to an even number, I also have no control over my facial expressions. Seriously I make the most outrageous faces and whatever I’m feeling is written all over my face.
OTC: Who is your best friend?
MC: My cats Fat Frank and Spooky (I can't choose one over the other), but for real definitely my boyfriend Chad. He's a really cool human being.
OTC: What is the one thing you did in your past you wish you could undo?
MC: I made the decision to transfer colleges to be with my bf at the time. Probably the worst decision I ever made, and I wish I could tell every girl that no boy is worth it.
OTC: What is your biggest fear?
MC: I’ve always been scared of death.
OTC: What is your most prized possession?
MC: This little jade buddha charm that I got from my great grandma. Also a ring that my friend who passed away left at my house. I wear both of them on a necklace.
OTC: Would you rather be loved or have a lot of money?
MC: Show me the love.
Photo by: Christian Garrido
OTC: What is the happiest memory from your childhood? MC: Decorating for Halloween with my mom and sister. It’s my favorite holiday and I always had so much fun hanging out with them.
OTC: What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?
MC: Pretty much every day I do a new humiliating thing.
OTC: Who has influenced you the most in your life?
MC: Definitely my mom, I go to her about everything.
OTC: What is something you used to do as a child that you wish you could still do?
MC: I used to play on the trampoline after school like everyday. We would be out there all day, as soon as I get a yard I'm getting a trampoline haha!
OTC: What is the one movie that influenced your life the most?
MC: While it might not be my favorite movie, I always watch it when I'm feeling down, so I’d have to say Legally Blonde. However, my favorite movie is Disturbia, just throwing that out there.
OTC: Describe your diet and workout routine
MC: I’m a pretty picky eater, and I make a lot of my own food. I don't eat any meat and I try to stay away from dairy. Exercise-wise, I’m pretty blessed to be naturally thin, but I am on my feet all day and I try to go on a jog a couple times a week.
OTC: Are you an early bird or a night owl?
MC: Early bird, however I hate waking up! But I love the daytime.
OTC: Which question do you hate answering?
MC: “What do you do for work?" I feel like it’s so pretentious to tell people I'm a model haha.
OTC: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
MC: Living in a cute loft in arts district and working on my online retail store/modeling career
OTC: Professionally, what’s your goal?
MC: Hopefully running a successful online retail store (which I'm in the process of opening) or being a famous painter living in seclusion.
Photo by: AJ Ford
OTC: What is your ultimate goal in life?
MC: Just to be happy, and make a positive impact on peoples lives daily.
OTC: What advice would you give your younger self?
MC: Stop caring what other people think of you.
OTC: How do you take the perfect selfie?
MC: It’s all about lighting!
OTC: What do you do when you’re Off The Clock?
MC: Go bar hopping with my boyfriend, watch Netflix, hangout with my cats, and wander around LA.
OTC: Would you rather model swimsuits or lingerie?
MC: Swimsuits, because then you get to hang out on the beach while you shoot!
Photo by: AJ Ford
OTC: Victoria’s Secret or Calvin Klein?
MC: Victoria’s Secret
OTC: Do you have any tattoos? If so, tell me about them.
MC: I have none! I want some but it’s hard when you model full time.
OTC: If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
MC: More wishes haha?
OTC: Cats or dogs? Why?
MC: I love dogs, but I have two cats. Honestly I love em all the same.
OTC: If you had to wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would you wear?
MC: My levi shorts and a sweater with my chucks.
OTC: Are you single?
MC: Happily taken.
OTC: Have you ever used a dating app? Which ones?
MC: I have a super funny story about how I met my boyfriend on Tinder haha!
OTC: Describe your dream man
MC: Treat me like a queen, do your own dishes, have a career, but still a kid at heart.
OTC: Describe your perfect first date
MC: You buy me nachos, and we discuss our views on aliens and conspiracy theories.
Photo by: Christian Garrido
OTC: Do you have a “worst first date” story?
MC: My first date with my boyfriend was pretty bad, but it turned out okay in the end!
OTC: What is the worst thing about dating?
MC: How awkward it is in the beginning
OTC: Do you have any cringe-worthy stories of a guy’s failed attempt to pick you up?
MC: One time a guy followed me a slipped a note under my door asking me out. Talk about creepy!
OTC: Where’s the best place for a guy to try and pick you up?
MC: I always thought the park or the grocery store were cute cliche places to ask a girl out.
OTC: Where’s the worst?
MC: The bathroom?
OTC: Where can people find you?
Instagram: @KenzieChizz
Twitter: @KenzieChizz
Photo by: Aaron Mays