Apps I’ve Built


What To Drink

A single page React app designed to help anyone choose what drink to order a bar.

Technical Mumbo Jumbo

  • Integrated both Tailwind and DaisyUI along with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript for a responsive front-end design, allowing for users to choose from 20 different themes for a highly personalized user experience

  • Integrated TheCocktailDB API utilizing React hooks to generate random cocktails, and filter them by name, ingredient, and popularity

  • Created a solution to a very common problem

Floral Arts Marketplace

A fully functional e-marketplace to purchase flowers for any occasion.

Technical Mumbo Jumbo

  • Created an online marketplace for floral arrangements using the Python, Flask, and MySQL

  • Increased app speed by utilizing AJAX to perform validations without needing to refresh

  • Utilized Bootstrap, HTML, & CSS allowing for a responsive front-end design

Deployment in progress

Deployment in progress


A fully functional chat application (Discord clone) using Websockets

Technical Mumbo Jumbo

  • Collaborated on Spring Boot project using GitHub for version control among team members, allowing for quick development and component modularization in a collaborative environment

  • Collaboration implementing Agile/SCRUM methods such as breaking larger epics into smaller user stories, and participating in code reviews

  • Integrated Websockets for live user chat and real time notifications, persisted past session messages using MySQL to allow for continuous log of messages sent in a channel or chat room

  • Developed user search/friends system utilizing JPA relational mapping and AJAX/Bootstrap modal system

Done With It

A React Native (mobile) marketplace for selling the stuff you don't need anymore.

Technical Mumbo Jumbo

  • Utilized React Native and Expo to build a beautiful interface using reusable components, Flexbox, stack screens, tab screens

  • Implemented navigation using React Navigation and created the ability to cache data and images to allow for offline capabilities

  • Implemented data validations in forms using Yup and Formik

  • Communicated with REST APIs and integrated the ability to upload photos while showing the user a progress bar

  • Implemented authentication and authorization

  • Built and distributed the app on the Apple Store

React Chat Application

A React chat application using React Chat Engine &

Technical Mumbo Jumbo

  • Utilized React Chat Engine & to create a simple chat application

  • Utilized Axios to communicate with API to validate login information from Chat Engine

  • Utilized JSX to implement CSS stylings to create a beautiful interface

Use login information below to test app:

Username1: Sample1

Password: 123123

Username2: Sample2

Password: 123123

React Weather Application

A React weather application using the OpenWeatherMap and GeoDB APIs

Technical Mumbo Jumbo

  • Communicated with OpenWeatherMap and GeoDB REST APIs to generate current weather conditions in cities with a population of over 100,000

  • Fetched and mapped data from OpenWeatherMap to generate a 7-day forecast

  • Utilized CSS to create a simple and user-friendly interface