Apps I’ve Built
What To Drink
A single page React app designed to help anyone choose what drink to order a bar.
Technical Mumbo Jumbo
Integrated both Tailwind and DaisyUI along with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript for a responsive front-end design, allowing for users to choose from 20 different themes for a highly personalized user experience
Integrated TheCocktailDB API utilizing React hooks to generate random cocktails, and filter them by name, ingredient, and popularity
Created a solution to a very common problem
Floral Arts Marketplace
A fully functional e-marketplace to purchase flowers for any occasion.
Technical Mumbo Jumbo
Created an online marketplace for floral arrangements using the Python, Flask, and MySQL
Increased app speed by utilizing AJAX to perform validations without needing to refresh
Utilized Bootstrap, HTML, & CSS allowing for a responsive front-end design
Deployment in progress
Deployment in progress
A fully functional chat application (Discord clone) using Websockets
Technical Mumbo Jumbo
Collaborated on Spring Boot project using GitHub for version control among team members, allowing for quick development and component modularization in a collaborative environment
Collaboration implementing Agile/SCRUM methods such as breaking larger epics into smaller user stories, and participating in code reviews
Integrated Websockets for live user chat and real time notifications, persisted past session messages using MySQL to allow for continuous log of messages sent in a channel or chat room
Developed user search/friends system utilizing JPA relational mapping and AJAX/Bootstrap modal system
Done With It
A React Native (mobile) marketplace for selling the stuff you don't need anymore.
Technical Mumbo Jumbo
Utilized React Native and Expo to build a beautiful interface using reusable components, Flexbox, stack screens, tab screens
Implemented navigation using React Navigation and created the ability to cache data and images to allow for offline capabilities
Implemented data validations in forms using Yup and Formik
Communicated with REST APIs and integrated the ability to upload photos while showing the user a progress bar
Implemented authentication and authorization
Built and distributed the app on the Apple Store
React Chat Application
A React chat application using React Chat Engine &
Technical Mumbo Jumbo
Utilized React Chat Engine & to create a simple chat application
Utilized Axios to communicate with API to validate login information from Chat Engine
Utilized JSX to implement CSS stylings to create a beautiful interface
Use login information below to test app:
Username1: Sample1
Password: 123123
Username2: Sample2
Password: 123123
React Weather Application
A React weather application using the OpenWeatherMap and GeoDB APIs
Technical Mumbo Jumbo
Communicated with OpenWeatherMap and GeoDB REST APIs to generate current weather conditions in cities with a population of over 100,000
Fetched and mapped data from OpenWeatherMap to generate a 7-day forecast
Utilized CSS to create a simple and user-friendly interface