Katrine Baker

Honestly, I'm not 100% sure how I ended up on Katrine's Instagram page, but I'm glad I did! On her page, you can find flawless selfies, lifestyle photos, and professional shots. Check out the interview!



OTC: What’s your name?

KB: Katrine Baker


OTC: How old are you?

KB: 23


OTC: How did you get into modeling?

KB: I have always wanted to model my entire life. I started to model in high school, but I was also playing soccer at the time and decided to pursue soccer which helped me get a full ride scholarship to a D1 school at Indiana State. I played soccer for 18 years. I recently graduated with my B.S. and now I'm pursuing modeling full time with many agencies.


OTC: Who takes most of your pictures?

KB: Many different photographers


OTC: Are you signed to an agency?

KB: Yes, several!


OTC: Who would you like to be signed to?

KB: Whoever likes my look and can help me pursue my dreams


OTC: Where are you from originally?

KB: Las Vegas


OTC: What’s your strongest memory of your childhood?

KB: Watching my mom be the strongest person ever


OTC: If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

KB: France because I am French and have family there


OTC: Do you travel a lot?

KB: Yes


OTC: Which country that you’ve been to is your favorite and why?

KB: Morocco because it was an awesome experience to be in Africa


OTC: What has been your favorite photoshoot/campaign so far?

KB: Favorite photoshoot so far was the Palms shoot, super cool vibes!


OTC: Is having a good connection with the photographer important to you?

KB: Absolutely!


OTC: Who is your favorite photographer and why?

KB: I don't have a favorite


OTC: Do you have a special ritual you do before or after a photoshoot?

KB: I don't drink a lot of water the day before because it makes you less toned the next day and after a photoshoot (not all the time), I tend to go straight to McDonalds and feed my stomach who hated me all day haha!


OTC: Have you made any friends in the modeling industry? How do you help each other?

KB: Yes! We give advice and help each other with jobs


OTC: Do you practice poses or do they just come naturally to you?

KB: They come more naturally to me


OTC: What’s the craziest thing you’ve done to get the perfect shot?

KB: Go under water for 30 seconds with eyes open and a wedding gown on


OTC: Who is your favorite model at the moment and why?

KB: GiGi! She is a bombshell and inspiration.


OTC: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

KB: Modeling and owning my own brand of clothing


OTC: Professionally, what’s your goal?

KB: To make it


OTC: Tell me about the editing process for your Instagram photos

KB: I don't use many photo editors, I really just use the ones on Instagram, but I also use the brightness settings to be more precise


OTC: What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

KB: Hope I have a few more hours to sleep haha!


OTC: Tell me about your diet and workout routine

KB: I'm pretty strict on my workout routine, I workout 6 days a week and my diet isn't the best, but I try to stay away from heavy carbs


OTC: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

KB: Water, chapstick, yoga pants, hair ties, and my family


OTC: What superpower would you have and why?

KB: Be able to fly so I can go anywhere in the world


OTC: What’s your scariest experience?

KB: Almost falling off a zipline while in France because my harness broke


OTC: Are you an early bird, or a night owl?

KB: Night owl


OTC: Sun or snow?

KB: Sun sun sun


OTC: Boats or jet skis?

KB: Jet skis


OTC: Dresses or skirts?

KB: Dresses


OTC: Books or movies?

KB: Movies


OTC: Hugs or kisses?

KB: Kisses


OTC: Silver or gold?

KB: Silver


OTC: Singing or dancing?

KB: I like to do both but that doesn't mean I'm good at them haha!


OTC: Tattoos or piercings?

KB: No.


OTC: Money or fame?

KB: Money


OTC: Washing dishes or doing laundry?

KB: Laundry


OTC: Cooking or eating?

KB: Eating


OTC: Spicy or mild?

KB: Spicy


OTC: Grammy or Oscar?

KB: Oscar


OTC: Long or short hair?

KB: In between


OTC: Netflix or chill?

KB: Both?


OTC: Wine or beer?

KB: Wine


OTC: What’s your favorite drink?

KB: Dr. Pepper


OTC: Do you go clubbing a lot?

KB: Yes


OTC: What’s your favorite shot and why?

KB: Tequila, because it's delicious 


OTC: Would you ever buy a guy a drink at a club/bar?

KB: Absolutely 


OTC: Tell me about your craziest night out

KB: Way too many to tell


OTC: What do you do when you’re Off The Clock?

KB: Workout, work at Phase 1 sports as the marketing coordinator, and hang with family and friends


OTC: What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

KB: Paraglide in France


OTC: Have you ever been skinny dipping?

KB: Yes


OTC: Are you single?

KB: Yes


OTC: What does your dream date night consist of?

KB: All attention on me, fun dinner, fun night!


OTC: What’s the most important quality of your dream man?

KB: Loyalty, and honesty 


OTC: Where can people find you?
